So I know that this is no longer the first week of school for most of you, but i decided to write this post anyway. This post is going to be about what I wear in my first week of school. As some of you may know, I am now in Japan and will be spending the rest of semester here in Sapporo. During the first week, getting dress is not that hard for me. After that though, it has become quite a struggle because I packed quite a few thing that I will not touch. Some of my clothes is hard to style and I only packed couple pairs of shoes due to the weight limit. I could have packed more stuff, but I decided not to since I want to leave enough space for souvenirs and things (clothes, foods, accessories) that I might acquire during my stay here in Sapporo. If you guys want to go study abroad for a semester like I do, especially in Sapporo, here is my advice to you. Do not over pack, because you gonna want to buy so much stuff here in Japan since everything is so Darn Cute! Especially clothes, do not pack to much because there are so many cute clothes here in Japan. Different styles of clothes are available for you in the stores of course. If you want to be budget friendly, you can hit the 2nd hand store up. They have awesome clothes, look like new, and ridiculously cheap. There is this store which I really like the most so far call Second Street/ Jump Street Shop. It is a chain store. I am not so sure if they only have it here in Hokkaido or what, but there clothes are so cute. So that is my tips for today. I hope some of you might find this useful. Here are my first week outfits!

Instagram: @kawaiiboulevard
Facebook: @kawaiiboulevard
Thanks for reading :)
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